Why QGIS 3?
Because the world around QGIS moves on
Python 3
Currently QGIS uses Python 2
End Of Life: 2020
Qt 5
Currently QGIS uses Qt 4.8
End Of Life: December 2015
Because the QGIS developers are perfect, except when they are not
So... What are the implications?
When converting colors to/from premultiplied alpha format QColor::qPremultiply and QColor::qUnpremultiply should give a big speed boost over our custom implementations
Got it?
That sounds great, where can I get it?
What you should know first
It will break all your plugins
What's an API and why is it important?
The API is the common language for plugins and QGIS.
Whenever the language is changed, plugins need to be adjusted.
You don't want to revisit plugins too often.
API changes are best served bundled
What has already been done?
Qt5 support
Non-python parts done for the QField project
Python 3
Some work started at the last developer meeting
What's left to be done?
Migration of python code in core
Implement the planned API changes.
Provide packages
Most important
Help us to fund the work

Now or later
