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Try the demo


This lets you run the compose application locally and demo it:

# copy default conf
cp .env.example .env

# start the stack
docker compose up --build -d

# deploy static files and migrate database
docker compose exec django python collectstatic --no-input
docker compose exec django python migrate --no-input

# A convenience start-up Django command is there
# to populate the database with testdata
docker compose exec django python populate_users
docker compose exec django python populate_data
After waiting little you'll be able to access all collections at

Three users are provided out of the box; they can be logged in with through basic authentication; all 123 for password: - demo_viewer - demo_editor - admin

As expected admin can access Django Admin at

Use from QGIS

When up and running you can access the REST API from QGIS like this:

  • Go to Layers > Add layer > Add WFS Layer...
  • Create a new connection
  • URL:
  • Version: OGC API - Features
  • Click OK and ignore choose to ignore the invalid certificate error and store the exception
  • You should see the two layers in the list, select them and choose add.