Frequently Asked Questions#

Unknown error#

If you get this message:

A fault occurred
Fault code: 1
Fault string: Unknown error, ['  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/rpc4django/", line 84, in dispatch\n    response = self._dispatch(method, params, **kwargs)\n', '  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/site-packages/rpc4django/", line 121, in _dispatch\n    return func(*params, **kwargs)\n', '  File "./plugins/", line 121, in plugin_upload\n    raise Fault(1, e.message)\n']

Try to upload manually the plugin through the web UI on and follow the error message.

It occurs for many reasons:

  • the plugin name is not matching the previous plugin versions

How can I merge many XML files into one ?#

QGIS-Plugin-CI can generate the plugins.xml file, per plugin. If you want to merge many XML files into one to have a single QGIS plugin repository providing many plugins, you should check QGIS-Plugin-Repo. It’s designed to run on CI after QGIS-Plugin-CI.