
This command is not specific to the hosting platform (GitLab, GitHub…)

usage: qgis-plugin-ci package [-h]
                              [--transifex-token TRANSIFEX_TOKEN]
                              [--plugin-repo-url PLUGIN_REPO_URL]

positional arguments:
  release_version       The version to be released

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --transifex-token TRANSIFEX_TOKEN
                        The Transifex API token. If specified translations
                        will be pulled and compiled.
  -u --plugin-repo-url PLUGIN_REPO_URL
                        If specified, a XML repository file will be created in the current directory, the zip URL will use this parameter.
  -c --allow-uncommitted-changes
                        If omitted, uncommitted changes are not allowed before
                        packaging. If specified and some changes are detected,
                        a hard reset on a stash create will be used to revert
                        changes made by qgis-plugin-ci.
  -d --disable-submodule-update
                        If omitted, a git submodule is updated. If specified, git submodules will not be updated/initialized before packaging.
  -a ASSET_PATH, --asset-path ASSET_PATH
                        An additional asset path to add. Can be specified multiple times.

Additional metadata#

When packaging the plugin, some extra metadata information can be added if these keys are present in the metadata.txt:

  • commitNumber= : the commit number in the branch otherwise 1 on a tag

  • commitSha1= : the commit ID

  • dateTime= : the date time in UTC format when the packaging is done


These extra parameters are specific to QGIS Plugin CI, so it’s strongly recommended storing them below a dedicated section:
