Subgroup: Color

Class: QgsColorScheme

class qgis.core.QgsColorScheme

Bases: sip.wrapper

Abstract base class for color schemes

A color scheme for display in QgsColorButton. Color schemes return lists of colors with an optional associated color name. The colors returned can be generated using an optional base color.

New in version 2.5: Methods

clone Clones a color scheme
fetchColors Gets a list of colors from the scheme.
flags Returns the current flags for the color scheme.
isEditable Returns whether the color scheme is editable
schemeName Gets the name for the color scheme
setColors Sets the colors for the scheme.


class SchemeFlag

Bases: int

class SchemeFlags

Bases: sip.wrapper

QgsColorScheme.SchemeFlags(Union[QgsColorScheme.SchemeFlags, QgsColorScheme.SchemeFlag]) QgsColorScheme.SchemeFlags(QgsColorScheme.SchemeFlags)

ShowInAllContexts = 3
ShowInColorButtonMenu = 2
ShowInColorDialog = 1
clone(self) → QgsColorScheme

Clones a color scheme

Returns:copy of color scheme
fetchColors(self, context: str = '', baseColor: Union[QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, QGradient] = QColor()) → object

Gets a list of colors from the scheme. The colors can optionally be generated using the supplied context and base color.

Parameters:context – string specifying an optional context for the returned

colors. For instance, a “recent colors” scheme may filter returned colors by context so that colors used only in a “composer” context are returned. :param baseColor: base color for the scheme’s colors. Some color schemes may take advantage of this to filter or modify their returned colors to colors related to the base color.

Returns:a list of QPairs of color and color name
flags(self) → QgsColorScheme.SchemeFlags

Returns the current flags for the color scheme.

Returns:current flags
isEditable(self) → bool

Returns whether the color scheme is editable

Returns:true if scheme is editable

See also


schemeName(self) → str

Gets the name for the color scheme

Returns:color scheme name
setColors(self, colors: object, context: str = '', baseColor: Union[QColor, Qt.GlobalColor, QGradient] = QColor()) → bool

Sets the colors for the scheme. This method is only valid for editable color schemes.

  • colors – list of colors for the scheme
  • context – to set colors for
  • baseColor – base color to set colors for

true if colors were set successfully

See also
