Subgroup: other

Class: QgsStyle

class qgis.core.QgsStyle

Bases: PyQt5.QtCore.QObject

Constructor for QgsStyle.


addColorRamp Adds a color ramp to the style.
addFavorite Adds the specified symbol to favorites
addSmartgroup Adds a new smartgroup to the database and returns the id
addSymbol Adds a symbol to style and takes symbol’s ownership
addTag Adds a new tag and returns the tag’s id
clear Removes all contents of the style
colorRamp Returns a new copy of the specified color ramp.
colorRampCount Returns count of color ramps
colorRampNames Returns a list of names of color ramps
colorRampRef Returns a const pointer to a symbol (doesn’t create new instance)
colorrampId Returns the id in the style database for the given colorramp name
createDatabase Creates an on-disk database
createMemoryDatabase Creates a temporary memory database
createTables Creates tables structure for new database
defaultStyle Returns default application-wide style
detagSymbol Detags the symbol with the given list
errorString Returns last error from load/save operation
exportXml Exports the style as a XML file
fileName Returns current file name of the style
findChild findChild(self, Tuple, name: str = ‘’, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) -> QObject
findChildren findChildren(self, Tuple, name: str = ‘’, options: Union[Qt.FindChildOptions, Qt.FindChildOption] = Qt.FindChildrenRecursively) -> List[QObject]
findSymbols Returns the names of the symbols which have a matching ‘substring’ in its definition
getId Gets the id from the table for the given name from the database, 0 if not found
getName Gets the name from the table for the given id from the database, empty if not found
importXml Imports the symbols and colorramps into the default style database from the given XML file
load Loads a file into the style
openDatabase Convenience function to open the DB and return a sqlite3 object
pyqtConfigure Each keyword argument is either the name of a Qt property or a Qt signal.
remove Removes the specified entity from the db
removeColorRamp Removes color ramp from style (and delete it)
removeFavorite Removes the specified symbol from favorites
removeSymbol Removes symbol from style (and delete it)
rename Renames the given entity with the specified id
renameColorRamp Changes ramp’s name
renameSymbol Changessymbol’s name
runEmptyQuery Convenience function that would run queries which don’t generate return values
save Saves style into a file (will use current filename if empty string is passed)
saveColorRamp Adds the colorramp to the DB
saveSymbol Adds the symbol to the DB with the tags
smartgroup Returns the QgsSmartConditionMap for the given id
smartgroupId Returns the DB id for the given smartgroup name
smartgroupNames Returns the smart groups list
smartgroupOperator Returns the operator for the smartgroup
smartgroupsListMap Returns the smart groups map with id as key and name as value
symbol Returns a NEW copy of symbol
symbolCount Returns count of symbols in style
symbolHasTag Returns whether a given tag is associated with the symbol
symbolId Returns the id in the style database for the given symbol name
symbolNames Returns a list of names of symbols
symbolRef Returns a const pointer to a symbol (doesn’t create new instance)
symbolsOfFavorite Returns the symbol names which are flagged as favorite
symbolsOfSmartgroup Returns the symbols for the smartgroup
symbolsWithTag Returns the symbol names with which have the given tag
tag Returns the tag name for the given id
tagId Returns the DB id for the given tag name
tagSymbol Tags the symbol with the tags in the list
tags Returns a list of all tags in the style database
tagsOfSymbol Returns the tags associated with the symbol
updateSymbol Updates the properties of an existing symbol/colorramp


destroyed destroyed(self, QObject = None) [signal]
groupsModified Is emitted every time a tag or smartgroup has been added, removed, or renamed [signal]
objectNameChanged objectNameChanged(self, str) [signal]
symbolSaved Is emitted every time a new symbol has been added to the database [signal]
ColorrampEntity = 2
SmartgroupEntity = 3
class StyleEntity

Bases: int

SymbolEntity = 0
TagEntity = 1
addColorRamp(self, name: str, colorRamp: QgsColorRamp, update: bool = False) → bool

Adds a color ramp to the style. Calling this method takes the ramp’s ownership.


Adding a color ramp with the name of existing one replaces it.

  • name – is the name of the color ramp being added or updated
  • colorRamp – is the color ramp. Ownership is transferred.
  • update – set to true when the style DB has to be updated, by default it is false

success status of the operation

addFavorite(self, type: QgsStyle.StyleEntity, name: str) → bool

Adds the specified symbol to favorites

  • type – is either SymbolEntity of ColorrampEntity
  • name – is the name of the symbol or coloramp whose is to be added to favorites

returns the success state as bool

addSmartgroup(self, name: str, op: str, conditions: object) → int

Adds a new smartgroup to the database and returns the id

  • name – is the name of the new Smart Group to be added
  • op – is the operator between the conditions; AND/OR as QString
  • conditions – are the smart group conditions
addSymbol(self, name: str, symbol: QgsSymbol, update: bool = False) → bool

Adds a symbol to style and takes symbol’s ownership


Adding a symbol with the name of existing one replaces it.

  • name – is the name of the symbol being added or updated
  • symbol – is the Vector symbol
  • update – set to true when the style DB has to be updated, by default it is false

success status of the operation

addTag(self, tagName: str) → int

Adds a new tag and returns the tag’s id

Parameters:tagName – the name of the new tag to be created
Returns:returns an int, which is the DB id of the new tag created, 0 if the tag couldn’t be created

Removes all contents of the style

colorRamp(self, name: str) → QgsColorRamp

Returns a new copy of the specified color ramp. The caller takes responsibility for deleting the returned object.

colorRampCount(self) → int

Returns count of color ramps

colorRampNames(self) → List[str]

Returns a list of names of color ramps

colorRampRef(self, name: str) → QgsColorRamp

Returns a const pointer to a symbol (doesn’t create new instance)

colorrampId(self, name: str) → int

Returns the id in the style database for the given colorramp name returns 0 if not found

createDatabase(self, filename: str) → bool

Creates an on-disk database

This function creates a new on-disk permanent style database.

Returns:returns the success state of the database creation

New in version 3.0.

See also


createMemoryDatabase(self) → bool

Creates a temporary memory database

This function is used to create a temporary style database in case a permanent on-disk database is not needed.

Returns:returns the success state of the temporary memory database creation

New in version 3.0.

See also



Creates tables structure for new database

This function is used to create the tables structure in a newly-created database.

Returns:returns the success state of the temporary memory database creation

New in version 3.0.

See also


defaultStyle() → QgsStyle

Returns default application-wide style

detagSymbol(self, type: QgsStyle.StyleEntity, symbol: str, tags: Iterable[str]) → bool

Detags the symbol with the given list

Removes the given tags for the specified symbol or colorramp

  • type – is either SymbolEntity or ColorrampEntity
  • symbol – is the name of the symbol or colorramp
  • tags – is the list of tags that are to be removed as QStringList

returns the success state of the operation

detagSymbol(self, type: QgsStyle.StyleEntity, symbol: str) -> bool Clears the symbol from all attached tags

Removes all tags for the specified symbol or colorramp

  • type – is either SymbolEntity or ColorrampEntity
  • symbol – is the name of the symbol or colorramp

returns the success state of the operation

errorString(self) → str

Returns last error from load/save operation

exportXml(self, filename: str) → bool

Exports the style as a XML file

fileName(self) → str

Returns current file name of the style

findSymbols(self, type: QgsStyle.StyleEntity, qword: str) → List[str]

Returns the names of the symbols which have a matching ‘substring’ in its definition

  • type – is either SymbolEntity or ColorrampEntity
  • qword – is the query string to search the symbols or colorramps.

A QStringList of the matched symbols or colorramps

getId(self, table: str, name: str) → int

Gets the id from the table for the given name from the database, 0 if not found

getName(self, table: str, id: int) → str

Gets the name from the table for the given id from the database, empty if not found


Is emitted every time a tag or smartgroup has been added, removed, or renamed [signal]

importXml(self, filename: str) → bool

Imports the symbols and colorramps into the default style database from the given XML file

load(self, filename: str) → bool

Loads a file into the style

This function will load an on-disk database and populate styles.

Parameters:filename – location of the database to load styles from
Returns:returns the success state of the database being loaded
openDatabase(self, filename: str) → bool

Convenience function to open the DB and return a sqlite3 object

remove(self, type: QgsStyle.StyleEntity, id: int)

Removes the specified entity from the db

  • type – is any of the style entities. Refer enum StyleEntity.
  • id – is the DB id of the entity to be removed
removeColorRamp(self, name: str) → bool

Removes color ramp from style (and delete it)

removeFavorite(self, type: QgsStyle.StyleEntity, name: str) → bool

Removes the specified symbol from favorites

  • type – is either SymbolEntity of ColorrampEntity
  • name – is the name of the symbol or coloramp whose is to be removed from favorites

returns the success state as bool

removeSymbol(self, name: str) → bool

Removes symbol from style (and delete it)

rename(self, type: QgsStyle.StyleEntity, id: int, newName: str)

Renames the given entity with the specified id

  • type – is any of the style entities. Refer enum StyleEntity.
  • id – is the DB id of the entity which is to be renamed
  • newName – is the new name of the entity
renameColorRamp(self, oldName: str, newName: str) → bool

Changes ramp’s name

renameSymbol(self, oldName: str, newName: str) → bool

Changessymbol’s name

runEmptyQuery(self, query: str, freeQuery: bool = True) → bool

Convenience function that would run queries which don’t generate return values

  • query – query to run
  • freeQuery – release query memory

success true on success

save(self, filename: str = '') → bool

Saves style into a file (will use current filename if empty string is passed)

saveColorRamp(self, name: str, ramp: QgsColorRamp, favorite: bool, tags: Iterable[str]) → bool

Adds the colorramp to the DB

  • name – is the name of the colorramp as QString
  • ramp – is the pointer to the new QgsColorRamp being saved
  • favorite – is a boolean value to specify whether the colorramp should be added to favorites
  • tags – is a list of tags that are associated with the color ramp as a QStringList.

returns the success state of the save operation

saveSymbol(self, name: str, symbol: QgsSymbol, favorite: bool, tags: Iterable[str]) → bool

Adds the symbol to the DB with the tags

  • name – is the name of the symbol as QString
  • symbol – is the pointer to the new QgsSymbol being saved
  • favorite – is a boolean value to specify whether the symbol should be added to favorites
  • tags – is a list of tags that are associated with the symbol as a QStringList.

returns the success state of the save operation

smartgroup(self, id: int) → object

Returns the QgsSmartConditionMap for the given id

smartgroupId(self, smartgroup: str) → int

Returns the DB id for the given smartgroup name

smartgroupNames(self) → List[str]

Returns the smart groups list

smartgroupOperator(self, id: int) → str

Returns the operator for the smartgroup clumsy implementation TODO create a class for smartgroups

smartgroupsListMap(self) → Dict[int, str]

Returns the smart groups map with id as key and name as value

symbol(self, name: str) → QgsSymbol

Returns a NEW copy of symbol

symbolCount(self) → int

Returns count of symbols in style

symbolHasTag(self, type: QgsStyle.StyleEntity, symbol: str, tag: str) → bool

Returns whether a given tag is associated with the symbol

  • type – is either SymbolEntity or ColorrampEntity
  • symbol – is the name of the symbol or color ramp
  • tag – the name of the tag to look for

A boolean value identicating whether a tag was found attached to the symbol

symbolId(self, name: str) → int

Returns the id in the style database for the given symbol name returns 0 if not found

symbolNames(self) → List[str]

Returns a list of names of symbols

symbolRef(self, name: str) → QgsSymbol

Returns a const pointer to a symbol (doesn’t create new instance)


Is emitted every time a new symbol has been added to the database [signal]

symbolsOfFavorite(self, type: QgsStyle.StyleEntity) → List[str]

Returns the symbol names which are flagged as favorite

Parameters:type – is either SymbolEntity or ColorampEntity
Returns:A QStringList of the symbol or colorramp names flagged as favorite
symbolsOfSmartgroup(self, type: QgsStyle.StyleEntity, id: int) → List[str]

Returns the symbols for the smartgroup

symbolsWithTag(self, type: QgsStyle.StyleEntity, tagid: int) → List[str]

Returns the symbol names with which have the given tag

  • type – is either SymbolEntity or ColorampEntity
  • tagid – is id of the tag which has been applied over the symbol as int

A QStringList of the symbol or colorramp names for the given tag id

tag(self, id: int) → str

Returns the tag name for the given id

tagId(self, tag: str) → int

Returns the DB id for the given tag name

tagSymbol(self, type: QgsStyle.StyleEntity, symbol: str, tags: Iterable[str]) → bool

Tags the symbol with the tags in the list

Applies the given tags to the given symbol or colorramp

  • type – is either SymbolEntity or ColorrampEntity
  • symbol – is the name of the symbol or colorramp as QString
  • tags – is the list of the tags that are to be applied as QStringList

returns the success state of the operation

tags(self) → List[str]

Returns a list of all tags in the style database

New in version 2.16.

See also


tagsOfSymbol(self, type: QgsStyle.StyleEntity, symbol: str) → List[str]

Returns the tags associated with the symbol

  • type – is either SymbolEntity or ColorrampEntity
  • symbol – is the name of the symbol or color ramp

A QStringList of the tags that have been applied to that symbol/colorramp

updateSymbol(self, type: QgsStyle.StyleEntity, name: str) → bool

Updates the properties of an existing symbol/colorramp


This should not be called separately, only called through addSymbol or addColorRamp

  • type – is either SymbolEntity or ColorrampEntity
  • name – is the name of an existing symbol or a color ramp

Success state of the update operation