Subgroup: Conditional

Class: QgsConditionalLayerStyles

class qgis.core.QgsConditionalLayerStyles

Bases: sip.wrapper

The QgsConditionalLayerStyles class holds conditional style information for a layer. This includes field styles and full row styles.


fieldStyles Returns the conditional styles set for the field UI properties
readXml Reads field ui properties specific state from Dom node.
setFieldStyles Set the conditional styles for the field UI properties.
setRowStyles Set the conditional styles that apply to full rows of data in the attribute table.
writeXml Write field ui properties specific state from Dom node.


fieldStyles(self, fieldName: str) → List[QgsConditionalStyle]

Returns the conditional styles set for the field UI properties

Returns:A list of conditional styles that have been set.
readXml(self, node: QDomNode, context: QgsReadWriteContext) → bool

Reads field ui properties specific state from Dom node.

rowStyles(self) → List[QgsConditionalStyle]
setFieldStyles(self, fieldName: str, styles: Iterable[QgsConditionalStyle])

Set the conditional styles for the field UI properties.

  • fieldName – name of field
  • styles
setRowStyles(self, styles: Iterable[QgsConditionalStyle])

Set the conditional styles that apply to full rows of data in the attribute table. Each row will check be checked against each rule.

Parameters:styles – The styles to assign to all the rows

New in version 2.12.

writeXml(self, node: QDomNode, doc: QDomDocument, context: QgsReadWriteContext) → bool

Write field ui properties specific state from Dom node.