Subgroup: Property

Class: QgsPropertyCollectionStack

class qgis.core.QgsPropertyCollectionStack

Bases: qgis._core.QgsAbstractPropertyCollection

An ordered stack of QgsPropertyCollection containers, where collections added later to the stack will take priority over earlier collections.

New in version 3.0: Methods

appendCollection Appends a collection to the end of the stack, and transfers ownership of the collection to the stack.
at Returns the collection at the corresponding index from the stack.
clear Removes all collections from the stack.
collection Returns the first collection with a matching name from the stack.
count Returns the number of collections contained within the stack.
hasActiveProperties Returns true if the collection has any active properties, or false if all properties within the collection are deactivated.
hasDynamicProperties Returns true if the collection has any active, non-static properties, or false if either all non-static properties within the collection are deactivated or if the collection only contains static properties.
isActive Returns true if the stack contains an active property with the specified key.
name Returns the descriptive name of the property collection.
property Returns the highest priority property with a matching key from within the stack.
readXml Reads property collection state from an XML element.
referencedFields Returns the set of any fields referenced by the active properties from the stack.
setName Sets the descriptive name for the property collection.
value Returns the calculated value of the highest priority property with the specified key from within the stack.
valueAsBool Calculates the current value of the property with the specified key and interprets it as an boolean.
valueAsColor Calculates the current value of the property with the specified key and interprets it as a color.
valueAsDouble Calculates the current value of the property with the specified key and interprets it as a double.
valueAsInt Calculates the current value of the property with the specified key and interprets it as an integer.
valueAsString Calculates the current value of the property with the specified key and interprets it as a string.
writeXml Writes the current state of the property collection into an XML element


appendCollection(self, collection: QgsPropertyCollection)

Appends a collection to the end of the stack, and transfers ownership of the collection to the stack. Properties from the newly added collection will take priority over any existing properties with the same name.

Parameters:collection – collection to append. Ownership is transferred to the stack.
at(self, index: int) → QgsPropertyCollection

Returns the collection at the corresponding index from the stack.

Parameters:index – position of collection, 0 based
Returns:collection if one exists at the specified index

Removes all collections from the stack.

collection(self, name: str) → QgsPropertyCollection

Returns the first collection with a matching name from the stack.

Parameters:name – name of collection to find
Returns:collection if one exists with the specified name
count(self) → int

Returns the number of collections contained within the stack.

hasActiveProperties(self) → bool

Returns true if the collection has any active properties, or false if all properties within the collection are deactivated.

See also


hasDynamicProperties(self) → bool

Returns true if the collection has any active, non-static properties, or false if either all non-static properties within the collection are deactivated or if the collection only contains static properties.

hasProperty(self, key: int) → bool
isActive(self, key: int) → bool

Returns true if the stack contains an active property with the specified key.

Parameters:key – integer key for property to test. The intended use case is that a context specific enum is cast to

int and used for the key value.

loadVariant(self, collection: Any, definitions: object) → bool
prepare(self, context: QgsExpressionContext = QgsExpressionContext()) → bool
property(self, key: int) → QgsProperty

Returns the highest priority property with a matching key from within the stack.

Parameters:key – integer key for property to return. The intended use case is that a context specific enum is cast to

int and used for the key value.

Returns:matching property, or null if no matching, active property found.

See also


propertyKeys(self) → object
referencedFields(self, context: QgsExpressionContext = QgsExpressionContext()) → Set[str]

Returns the set of any fields referenced by the active properties from the stack.

Parameters:context – expression context the properties will be evaluated against.
toVariant(self, definitions: object) → Any
value(self, key: int, context: QgsExpressionContext, defaultValue: Any = None) → Any

Returns the calculated value of the highest priority property with the specified key from within the stack.

Parameters:key – integer key for property to calculate. The intended use case is that a context specific enum is cast to

int and used for the key value. :param context: expression context to evaluate property against :param defaultValue: default value to return if no matching, active property found or if the property value cannot be calculated

Returns:calculated property value, or default value if property could not be evaluated