Subgroup: Processing

Class: QgsProcessingParameters

class qgis.core.QgsProcessingParameters

Bases: sip.wrapper

A collection of utilities for working with parameters when running a processing algorithm.

Parameters are stored in a QVariantMap and referenced by a unique string key. The QVariants in parameters are not usually accessed directly, and instead the high level API provided through QgsProcessingParameters parameterAsString(), parameterAsDouble() are used instead.

Parameters are evaluated using a provided QgsProcessingContext, allowing the evaluation to understand available map layers and expression contexts (for expression based parameters).

New in version 3.0: Methods

descriptionFromName Creates an autogenerated parameter description from a parameter name.
isDynamic Returns true if the parameter with matching name is a dynamic parameter, and must be evaluated once for every input feature processed.
parameterAsBool Evaluates the parameter with matching definition to a static boolean value.
parameterAsCompatibleSourceLayerPath Evaluates the parameter with matching definition to a source vector layer file path of compatible format.
parameterAsCrs Evaluates the parameter with matching definition to a coordinate reference system.
parameterAsDouble Evaluates the parameter with matching definition to a static double value.
parameterAsEnum Evaluates the parameter with matching definition to a enum value.
parameterAsEnums Evaluates the parameter with matching definition to list of enum values.
parameterAsExpression Evaluates the parameter with matching definition to an expression.
parameterAsExtent Evaluates the parameter with matching definition to a rectangular extent.
parameterAsExtentCrs Returns the coordinate reference system associated with an extent parameter value.
parameterAsExtentGeometry Evaluates the parameter with matching definition to a rectangular extent, and returns a geometry covering this extent.
parameterAsFields Evaluates the parameter with matching definition to a list of fields.
parameterAsFile Evaluates the parameter with matching definition to a file/folder name.
parameterAsFileOutput Evaluates the parameter with matching definition to a file based output destination.
parameterAsInt Evaluates the parameter with matching definition to a static integer value.
parameterAsLayer Evaluates the parameter with matching definition to a map layer.
parameterAsLayerList Evaluates the parameter with matching definition to a list of map layers.
parameterAsMatrix Evaluates the parameter with matching definition to a matrix/table of values.
parameterAsOutputLayer Evaluates the parameter with matching definition to a output layer destination.
parameterAsPoint Evaluates the parameter with matching definition to a point.
parameterAsPointCrs Returns the coordinate reference system associated with an point parameter value.
parameterAsRange Evaluates the parameter with matching definition to a range of values.
parameterAsRasterLayer Evaluates the parameter with matching definition to a raster layer.
parameterAsSink Evaluates the parameter with matching definition to a feature sink.
parameterAsSource Evaluates the parameter with matching definition to a feature source.
parameterAsString Evaluates the parameter with matching definition to a static string value.
parameterAsVectorLayer Evaluates the parameter with matching definition to a vector layer.
parameterFromScriptCode Creates a new QgsProcessingParameterDefinition using the configuration from a supplied script code string.
parameterFromVariantMap Creates a new QgsProcessingParameterDefinition using the configuration from a supplied variant map.


descriptionFromName(name: str) → str

Creates an autogenerated parameter description from a parameter name.

isDynamic(parameters: Dict[str, Any], name: str) → bool

Returns true if the parameter with matching name is a dynamic parameter, and must be evaluated once for every input feature processed.

parameterAsBool(definition: QgsProcessingParameterDefinition, parameters: Dict[str, Any], context: QgsProcessingContext) → bool

Evaluates the parameter with matching definition to a static boolean value.

parameterAsCompatibleSourceLayerPath(definition: QgsProcessingParameterDefinition, parameters: Dict[str, Any], context: QgsProcessingContext, compatibleFormats: Iterable[str], preferredFormat: str = '', feedback: QgsProcessingFeedback = None) → str

Evaluates the parameter with matching definition to a source vector layer file path of compatible format.

If the parameter is evaluated to an existing layer, and that layer is not of the format listed in the compatibleFormats argument, then the layer will first be exported to a compatible format in a temporary location. The function will then return the path to that temporary file.

compatibleFormats should consist entirely of lowercase file extensions, e.g. ‘shp’.

The preferredFormat argument is used to specify to desired file extension to use when a temporary layer export is required. This defaults to shapefiles, because shapefiles are the future (don’t believe the geopackage hype!).

parameterAsCrs(definition: QgsProcessingParameterDefinition, parameters: Dict[str, Any], context: QgsProcessingContext) → QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem

Evaluates the parameter with matching definition to a coordinate reference system.

parameterAsDouble(definition: QgsProcessingParameterDefinition, parameters: Dict[str, Any], context: QgsProcessingContext) → float

Evaluates the parameter with matching definition to a static double value.

parameterAsEnum(definition: QgsProcessingParameterDefinition, parameters: Dict[str, Any], context: QgsProcessingContext) → int

Evaluates the parameter with matching definition to a enum value.

parameterAsEnums(definition: QgsProcessingParameterDefinition, parameters: Dict[str, Any], context: QgsProcessingContext) → List[int]

Evaluates the parameter with matching definition to list of enum values.

parameterAsExpression(definition: QgsProcessingParameterDefinition, parameters: Dict[str, Any], context: QgsProcessingContext) → str

Evaluates the parameter with matching definition to an expression.

parameterAsExtent(definition: QgsProcessingParameterDefinition, parameters: Dict[str, Any], context: QgsProcessingContext, crs: QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem()) → QgsRectangle

Evaluates the parameter with matching definition to a rectangular extent.

If crs is set, and the original coordinate reference system of the parameter can be determined, then the extent will be automatically reprojected so that it is in the specified crs. In this case the extent of the reproject rectangle will be returned.

parameterAsExtentCrs(definition: QgsProcessingParameterDefinition, parameters: Dict[str, Any], context: QgsProcessingContext) → QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem

Returns the coordinate reference system associated with an extent parameter value.

parameterAsExtentGeometry(definition: QgsProcessingParameterDefinition, parameters: Dict[str, Any], context: QgsProcessingContext, crs: QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem()) → QgsGeometry

Evaluates the parameter with matching definition to a rectangular extent, and returns a geometry covering this extent.

If crs is set, and the original coordinate reference system of the parameter can be determined, then the extent will be automatically reprojected so that it is in the specified crs. Unlike parameterAsExtent(), the reprojected rectangle returned by this function will no longer be a rectangle itself (i.e. this method returns the geometry of the actual reprojected rectangle, while parameterAsExtent() returns just the extent of the reprojected rectangle).

parameterAsFields(definition: QgsProcessingParameterDefinition, parameters: Dict[str, Any], context: QgsProcessingContext) → List[str]

Evaluates the parameter with matching definition to a list of fields.

parameterAsFile(definition: QgsProcessingParameterDefinition, parameters: Dict[str, Any], context: QgsProcessingContext) → str

Evaluates the parameter with matching definition to a file/folder name.

parameterAsFileOutput(definition: QgsProcessingParameterDefinition, parameters: Dict[str, Any], context: QgsProcessingContext) → str

Evaluates the parameter with matching definition to a file based output destination.

parameterAsInt(definition: QgsProcessingParameterDefinition, parameters: Dict[str, Any], context: QgsProcessingContext) → int

Evaluates the parameter with matching definition to a static integer value.

parameterAsLayer(definition: QgsProcessingParameterDefinition, parameters: Dict[str, Any], context: QgsProcessingContext) → QgsMapLayer

Evaluates the parameter with matching definition to a map layer.

Layers will either be taken from context’s active project, or loaded from external sources and stored temporarily in the context. In either case, callers do not need to handle deletion of the returned layer.

parameterAsLayerList(definition: QgsProcessingParameterDefinition, parameters: Dict[str, Any], context: QgsProcessingContext) → List[QgsMapLayer]

Evaluates the parameter with matching definition to a list of map layers.

parameterAsMatrix(definition: QgsProcessingParameterDefinition, parameters: Dict[str, Any], context: QgsProcessingContext) → List[Any]

Evaluates the parameter with matching definition to a matrix/table of values. Tables are collapsed to a 1 dimensional list.

parameterAsOutputLayer(definition: QgsProcessingParameterDefinition, parameters: Dict[str, Any], context: QgsProcessingContext) → str

Evaluates the parameter with matching definition to a output layer destination.

parameterAsPoint(definition: QgsProcessingParameterDefinition, parameters: Dict[str, Any], context: QgsProcessingContext, crs: QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem()) → QgsPointXY

Evaluates the parameter with matching definition to a point.

If crs is set then the point will be automatically reprojected so that it is in the specified crs.

parameterAsPointCrs(definition: QgsProcessingParameterDefinition, parameters: Dict[str, Any], context: QgsProcessingContext) → QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem

Returns the coordinate reference system associated with an point parameter value.

parameterAsRange(definition: QgsProcessingParameterDefinition, parameters: Dict[str, Any], context: QgsProcessingContext) → List[float]

Evaluates the parameter with matching definition to a range of values.

parameterAsRasterLayer(definition: QgsProcessingParameterDefinition, parameters: Dict[str, Any], context: QgsProcessingContext) → QgsRasterLayer

Evaluates the parameter with matching definition to a raster layer.

Layers will either be taken from context’s active project, or loaded from external sources and stored temporarily in the context. In either case, callers do not need to handle deletion of the returned layer.

parameterAsSink(definition: QgsProcessingParameterDefinition, parameters: Dict[str, Any], fields: QgsFields, geometryType: QgsWkbTypes.Type, crs: QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem, context: QgsProcessingContext) → Tuple[QgsFeatureSink, str]

Evaluates the parameter with matching definition to a feature sink.

The fields, geometryType and crs parameters dictate the properties of the resulting feature sink.

Sinks will either be taken from context’s active project, or created from external providers and stored temporarily in the context. The destinationIdentifier argument will be set to a string which can be used to retrieve the layer corresponding to the sink, e.g. via calling QgsProcessingUtils.mapLayerFromString()

This function creates a new object and the caller takes responsibility for deleting the returned object.

parameterAsSource(definition: QgsProcessingParameterDefinition, parameters: Dict[str, Any], context: QgsProcessingContext) → QgsProcessingFeatureSource

Evaluates the parameter with matching definition to a feature source.

Sources will either be taken from context’s active project, or loaded from external sources and stored temporarily in the context.

This function creates a new object and the caller takes responsibility for deleting the returned object.

parameterAsString(definition: QgsProcessingParameterDefinition, parameters: Dict[str, Any], context: QgsProcessingContext) → str

Evaluates the parameter with matching definition to a static string value.

parameterAsVectorLayer(definition: QgsProcessingParameterDefinition, parameters: Dict[str, Any], context: QgsProcessingContext) → QgsVectorLayer

Evaluates the parameter with matching definition to a vector layer.

Layers will either be taken from context’s active project, or loaded from external sources and stored temporarily in the context. In either case, callers do not need to handle deletion of the returned layer.

parameterFromScriptCode(code: str) → QgsProcessingParameterDefinition

Creates a new QgsProcessingParameterDefinition using the configuration from a supplied script code string. The caller takes responsibility for deleting the returned object.

parameterFromVariantMap(map: Dict[str, Any]) → QgsProcessingParameterDefinition

Creates a new QgsProcessingParameterDefinition using the configuration from a supplied variant map. The caller takes responsibility for deleting the returned object.