Subgroup: Labeling

Class: QgsLabelingEngineSettings

class qgis.core.QgsLabelingEngineSettings

Bases: sip.wrapper

Stores global configuration for labeling engine

New in version 3.0: Methods

clear Return the configuration to the defaults
flags Get flags of the labeling engine
numCandidatePositions Get number of candidate positions that will be generated for each label feature (default to 8)
readSettingsFromProject Read configuration of the labeling engine from a project
searchMethod Which search method to use for removal collisions between labels
setFlag Set whether a particual flag is enabled
setFlags Set flags of the labeling engine
setNumCandidatePositions Set number of candidate positions that will be generated for each label feature
setSearchMethod Set which search method to use for removal collisions between labels
testFlag Test whether a particular flag is enabled
writeSettingsToProject Write configuration of the labeling engine to a project


Chain = 0
DrawCandidates = 32
DrawLabelRectOnly = 16
Falp = 4
class Flag

Bases: int

class Flags

Bases: sip.wrapper

QgsLabelingEngineSettings.Flags(Union[QgsLabelingEngineSettings.Flags, QgsLabelingEngineSettings.Flag]) QgsLabelingEngineSettings.Flags(QgsLabelingEngineSettings.Flags)

Popmusic_Chain = 2
Popmusic_Tabu = 1
Popmusic_Tabu_Chain = 3
RenderOutlineLabels = 8
class Search

Bases: int

UseAllLabels = 2
UsePartialCandidates = 4

Return the configuration to the defaults

flags(self) → QgsLabelingEngineSettings.Flags

Get flags of the labeling engine

numCandidatePositions(self) → Tuple[int, int, int]

Get number of candidate positions that will be generated for each label feature (default to 8)

readSettingsFromProject(self, project: QgsProject)

Read configuration of the labeling engine from a project

searchMethod(self) → QgsLabelingEngineSettings.Search

Which search method to use for removal collisions between labels

setFlag(self, f: QgsLabelingEngineSettings.Flag, enabled: bool = True)

Set whether a particual flag is enabled

setFlags(self, flags: Union[QgsLabelingEngineSettings.Flags, QgsLabelingEngineSettings.Flag])

Set flags of the labeling engine

setNumCandidatePositions(self, candPoint: int, candLine: int, candPolygon: int)

Set number of candidate positions that will be generated for each label feature

setSearchMethod(self, s: QgsLabelingEngineSettings.Search)

Set which search method to use for removal collisions between labels

testFlag(self, f: QgsLabelingEngineSettings.Flag) → bool

Test whether a particular flag is enabled

writeSettingsToProject(self, project: QgsProject)

Write configuration of the labeling engine to a project